Change that leads to better lives

Paul Harper, Associate

Paul Harper

Paul is an experienced teacher and trainer with a career history of leadership in secondary education and central government. He is passionate about ensuring that young people with additional needs are accepted and play a full part in their community, including in gainful occupation.

Paul spent over 20 years teaching in secondary schools in the northwest of England in a range of management roles. He then worked in a central government department for 16 years, leading among other things on youth workforce issues; accelerated initial training of children’s social workers; and support and challenge to local authorities following an “inadequate” Ofsted judgment of their children’s social care services.

In his spare time he spent a number of years leading a local parent/carer forum and partnering with local authority and health services.

Since retirement he has written a booklet on transitions to adulthood for parent/carers of young people with complex needs, which is on the NDTi website. He also developed and runs workshops on transitions to adulthood for parent/carers and professionals both locally and across the country. Paul received an MBE in 2017 for his professional and voluntary work.

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