Change that leads to better lives

Pauline Heslop, Associate

Pauline Heslop

Pauline is an experienced quantitative and qualitative researcher, with skills in planning, undertaking and managing research projects of all sizes, from small-scale to national projects.

A nurse by background, Pauline is an active researcher of health and care-related issues. She has led a number of major national studies, including the Confidential Inquiry into Premature Deaths in People with Learning Disabilities (CIPOLD) from 2010-2013 and the Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (LeDeR) Programme, from 2015-2021.

Pauline has a range of experience of teaching health and care related issues, to small and large group sizes. She is also confident in delivering conference presentations at local, national and international conferences.

Pauline has an experience of working directly with adults and children with learning disabilities. She was a short-break foster carer for 7 years supporting 3 young people with learning disabilities and autism, and has tried to work collaboratively with people with learning disabilities in her research and teaching.

Pauline established an international network of academics, practitioners and commissioners interested in mortality of people with intellectual disabilities. She is still in contact with many in this network.

Pauline is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Bristol, so still retains links with the Norah Fry Centre for Disability Studies and other colleagues.

Currently at NDTi Pauline is working on the Family Ambassadors Evaluation.

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