Change that leads to better lives

Trevor Wright, Associate

Trevor Wright

Trevor is a qualified social worker and has been a workforce development officer in local authorities and a commissioner across adult health, housing and social care. Following his own autistic diagnosis at the age of 56 followed by that of his teenage daughter, he is now a full-time consultant focusing on autism, learning disabilities and mental health.

Trevor is the autistic co-chair of the DHSC Autism Strategy Executive, co-chaired the Learning Disability and Autism Advisory Group of the Covid Social Care Task Force, an Expert by experience member of the Midlands NHSE engagement forum and NHS Autism Champion for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

Trevor has been one of the lead trainers for the Oliver McGowan mandatory training trial and contributes to the South London and Maudsley inpatient training project and HEE autism training in medical school’s project as well as designing and delivering autism training to national standards across the midlands.

He is an NDTI Associate currently working with mental health units to improve sensory environments, written autism briefings for Research into Practice and the LGA and has led co-production projects to improve locality diagnostic pathways and the Skills for Care Autism Commissioning Guidance.

Trevor is also a writer, co-founded the Derby Poetry Festival in 2017, has had two volumes of poetry published by Big White Shed, set up Beyond the Spectrum, an online creative writing project for autistic people with Writing East Midlands and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a Writer Trustee of the Nottingham UNESCO City of Literature.

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