Change that leads to better lives

Jenny Pitts, Programme Director Community Led Support

Jenny Pitts

Jenny has a background in adult social care, initially working in provider services and then for 20 years in local government in the West Midlands in operational and service development roles. She worked independently for six years, taking on a variety of roles supporting cultural and system change, leading and supporting and transformation programmes for a number of councils addressing the cultural, system and process changes required to put people at the heart of their support.

Her work has involved leading modernisation programmes for local authority day and residential services as well as co-delivering leadership workshops with senior leaders across the sector. Jenny leads the NDTi Community Led Support programme which is delivering transformational change within statutory services to work in different ways with people, communities and partners. This work is developing a body of learning and evidence about how people can be better supported if there is a culture of strengths based and community led support across all the organisations involved within a local area and the leadership and system change required to embed this approach

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