Change that leads to better lives


The current Autism Programme at NDTi emerged through the Care Education and Treatment Review process

The autism programme is led and shaped by Autistic Associates with lived and professional experience of neurodiversity, which is still very much misunderstood in health, social care and education settings.

The Autism Programme at NDTi emerged through the Care Education and Treatment Review process. Hospitals and ATUs couldn’t make the reasonable adjustments needed to support the sensory needs of autistic experts by experience on the visit. The team shared their concern for the people living 24 hours a day in these environments and asked us to consider how their needs were being met. Our work reviewing sensory environment of inpatient services, advising teams on how to improve sensory environments and change their practice to accommodate the needs of autistic people began.

We don’t believe that hospitals are ever likely to be places where autistic people can thrive. Our work is aimed to support a more comfortable inpatient experience when it happens, and so facilitate a quicker return home. We work with any service that is willing to hear our reflections and implement changes – including hospitals that have a poor reputation. However, we can’t guarantee that our recommendations will be implemented.

The autism programme doesn’t have any core funding. This means that any work we do needs to be commissioned. Due to the high level of enquiries and the significant interest in the support we offer, we are not able to respond to individual enquiries unless funding is in place.

Work themes include:

  • Who we work with

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