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Sensory environment checks of health and care settings

Our team of people with lived experience can carry out environmental sensory assessments in any health and social care setting.

This is a ‘walk through’ of wards and living areas, meeting and treatment rooms where autistic people are supported. It is an assessment of the sensory environment focusing on practical changes that could be made to improve the building.

Our team make recommendations that will reduce the sensory load that inpatients may experience.

It is expected that if changes are made based on these recommendations, autistic people in these environments are less likely to be affected by sensory overload that can lead to meltdown or shutdown.

Providers have duty under the Equality Act 2010 to make reasonable adjustments for any disabled people, including autistic people, using their services.

Reasonable adjustments could include changing the physical environment in which care is provided to reduce the stress it causes to someone with autism or meeting the person’s specific communication needs. Without adequate sensory assessments and training around autism, these health services are less likely to make the necessary reasonable adjustments.

CQC: Review of restraint, prolonged seclusion and segregation for people with a mental health problem, learning disability and or autism, page 23

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