Change that leads to better lives

What is Internships Work?

Internships Work is a project which will enable 4500 young adults, aged 16-25 with additional needs, to benefit from a supported internship per year by 2025.

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Launched in September 2022, the project is funded by the Department for Education and will double the current supported internship provision in England by 2025. It is designed to support more young people with additional needs to have greater choice and control over their future, opening up opportunities that prepare them for adult life and independent living.

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NDTi is supporting Local Authorities to establish and develop SEND employment forums as well as administrating and monitoring Section 14 grants to support them with this programme.

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DFN Project SEARCH is leading on engaging employers and support them to offer high quality work placements by providing information, advice and training that enable growth in internships and job opportunities.

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BASE is leading on establishing a sustainable process to improve the quality of Supported Internship provision, using the Supported Internship Quality Assurance Framework (SIQAF). The SIQAF will provide organisations with support on completing self-assessments and auditing so that they can work towards achieving a quality kitemark that shows that they are providing true Supported Internships that lead to real jobs

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BASE will also lead on delivering Job Coach & Systematic Instruction training to over 700 job coaches. The bespoke training has been developed in line with the Supported Employment National Occupational Standards (NOS) and reflect the key principle to training job coaches in the latest Supported Internships Guidance(link is external). The training will be delivered face to face or online to suit the trainees need and have scheduled some online training courses run in October and November 2022. For training enquiries email

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  • The National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi)

  • DFN Project Search

  • British Association of Supported Employment (BASE)

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