Community Inclusion Mentors
Most care/support services, local authorities, health bodies and community agencies aim to promote meaningful community inclusion by all people.
Most care/support services, local authorities, health bodies and community agencies aim to promote meaningful community inclusion by all people.
Helping family carers to understand personalisation, and building their support for using it as a way of achieving positive change in the lives of their family members.
Our community inclusion workshops can be generic or focused on a particular group of people – for example older people, people with learning disabilities and people with mental health problem.
Following on from a discussion paper on the subject, the NDTi has explored how the mental health payment system is being linked with the personalisation agenda to provide more individualised care and support for people...
Skills for Care initiated a Neighbourhood Workforce Planning & Community Skills Development programme, and NDTi were working with 3 early adopter sites in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, to help capture the learning from the approaches that were tried in those areas.
NDTi and Innovations in Dementia led this three year project which took place in four areas of the South of England and was funded by the Department of Health’s Innovation Excellence and Service Development fund...
Identifying what works in terms of using the move from residential care to real tenancies in terms of promoting community inclusion.
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation have published a report on older people's voice, choice and control. This report was written by NDTi in conjunction with an excellent Advisory Board.
The Office for Disability Issues commisioned NDTi to produce a resource designed to help strategic managers working in local authorities to implement practical strategies to increase voice, choice and control for older people.
This guide on coproduction with older people sets out seven principles to help local authorities and their partners, including local communities, work together and improve older people’s influence at all levels of service commissioning and delivery.
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