Finding out about Virtual Wards
We want to learn more about the experiences or awareness of people with learning disabilities, or autistic people have about Virtual Wards.
We want to learn more about the experiences or awareness of people with learning disabilities, or autistic people have about Virtual Wards.
NHS England and NHS Improvement’s (NHSEI) Sounding Board, hosted by NDTi, is a group of 25 people over the age of 50 who provide valuable ‘critical friend’ input into NHSEI’s work.
NDTi’s autism team collaborated with Buro Happold’s Inclusive Design and Lighting Teams, and the Assistive Technology team within the CAMHS Mental Health taskforce to develop guidance for sensory friendly LED lighting.
Resources for health and care professionals, detailing the “Whole Family Approach” to Person Centred Care.
Observable Impacts of Community Led Support: A summary of six opportunities and impacts of CLS Strength Based & Place Based working in Adult Social Care.
For brave and genuine leaders that want to create meaningful change for people.
A selection of photos by Richard around the theme of Sensory Peace inspired by the paper "Supporting Autistic Flourishing at Home and Beyond".
Illustrations by Tom Yates commissioned for, and inspired by, the paper - Supporting autistic flourishing at home and beyond: Considering and meeting the sensory needs of autistic people in housing.
Supporting Autistic Flourishing at Home and Beyond - Alexis artwork. Autistic campaigner and activist, public speaker, author of Unbroken. Alexis' story is part of the report and has inspired her art work below.
Supporting Autistic People Flourishing at Home and Beyond : Full List of Contributors
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