Neighbours: How small acts can make a big difference to individuals and communities
A member of our Older People's NHS Sounding Board shares some thoughts around small acts, neighbourhoods and dementia.
A member of our Older People's NHS Sounding Board shares some thoughts around small acts, neighbourhoods and dementia.
What does the draft Mental Health Bill mean for people with learning disabilities, autistic people, community support and advocacy?
Our advocacy review spurs work to create a new set of tools and resources. Join our focus groups to input.
The National Development Team for Inclusion has worked as the evaluation and learning partner for the Family Ambassadors programme. Phase 1 of the Family Ambassadors evaluation was completed in May 2023. This report focuses on the challenges faced in the design, set-up and roll-out of the Family Ambassador programme and what the Local Family Ambassadors had achieved and the progress made towards the desired outcomes.
Colleagues from our Small Supports programme recently hosted some visitors from Slovenia who are doing similar work.
This report covers in depth research about advocacy for people with a learning disability and autistic people who are inpatients in mental health, learning disability or autism specialist hospitals.
Different languages, different histories, different cultures but all with the same challenges! Nic Crosby, Small Supports Programme Lead, reflects and compares some of the challenges across different countries.
Over the past couple of years, while living through a pandemic, many people around the UK have had to contend with a growing sense of loneliness.
Advanced Occupational Therapist, Katherine Russell, reflects on her 6 months working within a Neurodevelopmental Assessment Clinic
Reflections from Associate Jackie Claxon-Ruddock on her work on the Time to Talk Next Steps project, supporting young people with additional needs to realise their aspirations...
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