Change that leads to better lives

Small Supports

Small Supports – Better Lives

Developing new small support organisations providing person-centred support; without compromise.

What are small supports

"Where, after all, do human rights begin? In small places, close to home – so close and small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world. Yet they are the world.” - Eleanor Roosevelt


The Small Supports Partnership is an NDTi led consortium of established small supports leaders and organisations (Beyond Limits, C-Change, Positive Support for You) with the Local Government Association (LGA).

Human rights are our foundation

Sam Smith from C-Change explains how human rights explain 'what good looks like' and how we have to set these rights at the heart of everything we do.

'An uncompromising and relentless focus on the person'

Dave Barras, Associate, Positive Support for You

Small support organisations are centred on the person and their loved ones, their story, their people, their likes, dreams, and dislikes...

'We never walk away'

Doreen Kelly, Beyond Limits

Small Support organisations stick with the person through good times and difficult times; they build trusting, respectful and reliable relationships with the person they support and with each other.

This programme is about developing new, bespoke support organisations

Centred on human rights, being person-centred and building long-term support for a person. This programme came about due to the lack of evident improvement in support developed by both the Transforming Care and Building the Right Support programmes.

Read more about the roots of the programme and what we hope to see developing in the coming years in an article in Community Living July 2023.

Find out more

Here is a recording of an hour-long information session with Dave Barras and Nic Crosby explaining more about Small Support organisations and the programme of work. Download the slides that accompanied the event here.

What is a Small Support Organisation? Why Small, Bespoke, Person-centred and Local?

Get in touch

If you have any questions, would like to find out more …if you are from an interested area or organisation, are a family member or are simply interested in finding out more about what it takes to set up a small support organisation, then email Nic Crosby, programme Lead

Partners long
  • What are Small Supports?

  • The Small Supports Library

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