Change that leads to better lives

Capturing the impact of advocacy through telling stories

Thursday 5 September, 12noon-1pm and Thursday 10 October, 11.45am - 1pm, on Microsoft Teams.

As part of Advocacy Awareness Week, we are hosting two webinars aimed at helping advocates and advocacy organisations evidence the impact of advocacy. These two linked webinars will be facilitated by Helen Bown, NDTi associate, whose work focuses on understanding impact across a number of sectors and walks of life. She is passionate about finding ways of evidencing change that enable people to share their own experiences and outcomes themselves. Helen will share ideas and an approach to capturing and learning from people’s stories drawn from her experience of working with a variety of organisations, communities and sectors - from sport to museums and a wide range of health and social care support, including advocacy.

The first session will focus on how stories can be a powerful way of understanding impact and introduce a simple, light-touch way of going about this using the 'Pixar Pitch'.

The second session will provide an opportunity to bring any stories you have supported people to capture themselves or on their behalf, and have a go at theming these to see how stories can provide powerful examples of impact. It will help if you have attended the first session.

What you’ll learn:

  • Understand the difference that advocacy is making through the direct voices of people you are supporting.
  • Find out learning from the different stories that people share about their experiences of advocacy.
  • Learn what matters most to the people, groups and communities you’re working with and discover new ways of exploring this.

You should commit to attending both webinars before registering.

Register to attend here.

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