Change that leads to better lives


Community Led Support Spring Festival - Partnership and Prevention in Action at Hartlepool's Community Hubs

Tuesday 16 May 14:00-15:00 Our annual two day spring festival returns for another year on 16 and 17 May. It brings together an exciting range of free, short online opportunities to hear about some of the great work happening across the network. The series of hour long sessions are open to anyone working in the social care and health sector and will celebrate some of the great local initiatives happening across the Community Led Support network. Each session will demonstrate what is possible, despite the huge pressures across the sector. Attendees will discover a host of ideas and evidence that spotlights the principles of a community focused, strengths-based way of working.

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Free webinar: Spotlight on supported internships

A webinar for parents and carers of young people preparing for adult life. Thursday 18 May, 10.30am-12noon.

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Free training workshops run by young people- Session 1: You need to start with values

Thursday 18th May 17:00-17:45 Since 2020 NDTi has been delivering a Lottery funded programme called Time to Talk Next Steps. This is a support programme for young people with additional support needs who have felt isolated following the COVID-19 pandemic and are unsure about their future plans.

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Free training workshops run by young people- Session 2: You need to see us as young people first

Thursday Thursday 15th June 17:00-17:45 Since 2020 NDTi has been delivering a Lottery funded programme called Time to Talk Next Steps. This is a support programme for young people with additional support needs who have felt isolated following the COVID-19 pandemic and are unsure about their future plans.

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Free training workshops run by young people- Session 3: You need to listen to help us make choices

Thursday 13th July 17:00-17:45 Since 2020 NDTi has been delivering a Lottery funded programme called Time to Talk Next Steps. This is a support programme for young people with additional support needs who have felt isolated following the COVID-19 pandemic and are unsure about their future plans.

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Free training workshops run by young people- Session 4: You need to be curious, to understand

Thursday 27th July 17:00-17:45 Since 2020 NDTi has been delivering a Lottery funded programme called Time to Talk Next Steps. This is a support programme for young people with additional support needs who have felt isolated following the COVID-19 pandemic and are unsure about their future plans.

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Free training workshops run by young people- Session 1: You need to start with values

Thursday 21st September 17:00-17:45 Since 2020 NDTi has been delivering a Lottery funded programme called Time to Talk Next Steps. This is a support programme for young people with additional support needs who have felt isolated following the COVID-19 pandemic and are unsure about their future plans.

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Free training workshops run by young people- Session 2: You need to see us as young people first

Thursday Thursday 5th October 17:00-17:45 Since 2020 NDTi has been delivering a Lottery funded programme called Time to Talk Next Steps. This is a support programme for young people with additional support needs who have felt isolated following the COVID-19 pandemic and are unsure about their future plans.

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Free training workshops run by young people- Session 3: You need to listen to help us make choices

Thursday 19th October 17:00-17:45 Since 2020 NDTi has been delivering a Lottery funded programme called Time to Talk Next Steps. This is a support programme for young people with additional support needs who have felt isolated following the COVID-19 pandemic and are unsure about their future plans.

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Free training workshops run by young people- Session 4: You need to be curious, to understand

Thursday 16th November 17:00-17:45 Since 2020 NDTi has been delivering a Lottery funded programme called Time to Talk Next Steps. This is a support programme for young people with additional support needs who have felt isolated following the COVID-19 pandemic and are unsure about their future plans.

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