Change that leads to better lives

Preparing for Adulthood: Friends and Relationships Workshop on 26th June

ND Ti event June 2024 002 v2

Workshop info

Barry Jones and Jon Ralphs from the National Development Team for Inclusion will be facilitating the workshop. The workshop is for adults involved in the lives of young people with additional needs in Stockton-on-Tees. Including, parent carers, teachers, SENCOs, school leaders, and practitioners, leaders and commissioners from across social care children's and adults, health and the voluntary, community and faith sector.

Date & time: Wednesday 26th June 2024 10am – 2pm

Venue: Newtown Community Resource Centre, 123 Durham Rd, Stockton-on-Tees TS19 0DE

Purpose of this workshop:

  • To learn from young people's experiences about what matters about friends and relationships.
  • To connect and share good practice.
  • To explore together some tried and tested person-centered tools that support good conversations, practice and planning around friends and relationships.
  • To collaborate and co-design what we do together next to develop, nurture and maintain friendships and relationships.

Book a free place: To find out more and book your free place email:

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