27 February 2025: Reducing Restrictive Practice in the Community
12-1pm, register your place here
Alexis Quinn (Restraint Reduction Network) joins Nic Crosby (NDTi) to talk about Restraint reduction and how the person-centred practice of Small Supports organisations and the focus on relationships provide a really strong blueprint for the long-term elimination of restrictive practice.
27 March 2025: Small Supports a Challenge or a Solution for Commissioners?
12-1pm, register your place here
Helen Toker-Lester (NDTi Associate) and Steve Bardsley (Leeds City Council) discuss far from being negative, Small Supports provides commissioners with the opportunity to start re-shaping their market with an emphasis on local and bespoke.
1 May 2025: Clinicians and Small Supports
Fiona Ritchie (NDTi Associate), with a Clinician guest (TBC), and Nic Crosby (NDTi) will discuss the opportunity Small Supports present Multi-Disciplinary Teams to deliver a truly person-centred discharge to support that will stick with the person through thick and thin.
12-1pm, register your place here
22 May 2025: Human Rights and Small Supports – The Foundation of everything we do
12-1pm, register your place here
Kirsten Peebles and Charli Clement (NDTi and people with lived experience) will talk about their work in delivering human rights training, the importance of human rights for small support organisations and getting it right by each person they support.
26 June 2025: Building a Bridge – Updates and new work to support young people and those under 18
12-1pm, register your place here
We will revisit the work shared in November 2024, continue the discussion and share further work highlighting the positive opportunities for developing local non-profit small support organisations for young people. With Nic Crosby (NDTi) and Richard Kirkup, Children and Young People Programme Lead (NDTi).
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