Change that leads to better lives

Employment is Everyone's Business

NDTi and the British Association for Supported Employment (BASE) have been awarded a grant by the Department for Education to work together on a new project: ‘Employment is Everyone’s Business’. The overall aim is to enable more young people with special educational needs and disabilities to get meaningful jobs.

We will be working with four sites across England who are committed to improving employment outcomes for this group of young people.

Working in partnership with the sites and local education and employment organisations, the project will demonstrate how:

  • Vocational profiling can be embedded in the curriculum, education, health and care plans and reviews as well as careers advice;
  • Post-16 providers like Further Education colleges can create appropriate study programmes and work effectively with employers to support young people moving into employment;
  • Local authorities can ensure young people with special educational needs and disabilities and those who are NEET are at the heart of their employment, economic, housing, personal budget and commissioning strategies.

The project is funded until March 2016. Practical information and examples of good practice in supported employment activities will be shared through the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Pathfinder Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) programme, which is also run by NDTi. Short guides and case studies will be made available on the PfA, NDTi and BASE websites.

Contact Details

Bill Love

Contact Office

Bath (Registered Office)

National Development Team for Inclusion
4 Queen Street

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