Change that leads to better lives

I am lots of things!

Guest blog for Learning Disability Week 2024

About me

Maeve, Guest author for Guest blog for Learning Disability Week 2024

I am Maeve. I am 25 and live with my parents.

I have a brother who is very clever and funny – he lives in his own flat but comes to see us.


People say I am caring and a good listener and my friends say I give them good advice and suggestions when they need help.

Hands typing

I have asked my mum to help me type this, but she is putting in the words I say and she isn’t allowed to put anything in I don’t want!

A happy, busy life

I am me! I am lots of things! There are some things I find a bit difficult and need help with, but I am happy and very busy.

PA Personal Assistant

I am busy every day (except Sunday when I have a rest!). I do lots of things, out and about with my PA*. I get money from the council to pay for my PA to come, which is brilliant because I couldn’t do it without her help.


I work at an Oxfam shop 2 days a week. The managers make sure the volunteers have jobs to do that they like - I like pricing and sorting things that have been donated, especially jewellery, toys and clothes.

Swimming pool

I like going to different swimming pools every week with my PA. We do exercises because the water helps me to move my stiff joints. There are hoists there for people who need them. The staff are very helpful and save me a changing room and bring a chair for me to the side of the pool.

Leisure centre

At the Leisure Centre we walk up and down in the pool and keep out of the way of the strong waves – the lifeguards are very helpful and show a sign with waves to warn people that they are switching on the wave machine. At both of the pools my PA can come free to support me.

I swim in the sea in Ireland - it is very cold but I still enjoy it! I always love meeting up with family in Ireland every summer.

I went to Butlins for a week’s holiday in May with the Burton Street Foundation. We had a great time because there are a lot of activities like dancing, bowling and painting, as well as shows and a circus.

I was a bit homesick but I video-called my parents and it was fine.

I like baking cookies and growing flowers and vegetables from seeds.

I also like reading library books and doing jigsaws on my iPad.

I like listening to Capital radio or watching music videos online on my laptop.

I love having my nails painted with bright pink polish and glitter.

Every week I do the online supermarket shopping in our house. I use my iPad to book the delivery slots for two different supermarkets and order all the food we need for the week.

I love going to the theatre and the staff there help by reserving seats and asking what we need.

We have also been to a funny play in the park. People sat on the ground to watch the play in the park but staff brought me and my PA chairs to sit on as I can’t get up off the ground easily.

My PA can come to the theatres for free to support me. I love going to see bands at the Arena too.

A few times we went in the Arena VIP suite which was very nice!

I love going out for a babyccino. It’s a small hot chocolate drink with marshmallows.

I have lots of hospital and GP appointments because I have blood tests and things that they need to treat.

I have been in meetings with NDTI to give my thoughts and suggestions about how to make the hospitals and the GPs even better.

I am me and I am lots of things.

I get support from my PA and my parents and from all of the staff in the places we go to, to help me do lots of brilliant things.

I am very happy and have a great life!

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