Paid work is what most disabled people say they want. Personal budgets are the government’s desired mechanism to achieve change in social care (and increasingly healthcare). Ergo, personal budgets should be used to help people gain and retain paid work. However, this is not happening.
NDTi has just published research looking at the extent to which personal social care budgets are being used to help people gain and retain work – and the answer is hardly at all. Despite the study getting very broad coverage of recognised employment support providers across England, we only found 104 people using PBs to gain or retain work in 2012/13, and 131 people in 2013/14. Two thirds of employment support agencies had no one using a personal budget. The average (median) number of people using personal budgets in the remaining third was 3.
So the research went on to ask - why? It identified four interconnected reasons:
Is it any wonder therefore the personal budgets are not being used to help people gain and retain work? Interestingly, where we did find significant usage, was almost entirely around families using them to support young disabled people into employment. In these cases, a substantial proportion were going outside traditional employment support services to find different ways of gaining support and work. Almost universally, families told of how they had to 'battle' the social care system to win the argument to have a personal budget for the purposes of finding employment for their son/daughter.
So, what is to be done? There are four very simple answers - but all four require a cultural shift.
1. Local authorities need to invest in information, advice and guidance to people and families that highlights how paid work is an achievable outcome and that personal budgets can be used for this.
2. Local authorities need to be clear to social workers that work is a valued social care outcome. (After all, it is explicitly included as a well-being outcome of the new Care Act.) Helping people to achieve paid work should be measured as a key PB indicator by all local authorities.
3. Person centred assessment systems should include a default starting position of exploring work as an option. There should be a recognition that higher than average investment in employment support is a valid PB expenditure, as it will pay back in the medium-term.
4. Commissioners, as part of their market development function, need to ensure a robust and evidence-based market of employment support provision is available. As part of this, some of the existing investment in block contracts should be converted into core funding with the direct support elements being converted into personal budgets.
Finally, came across a strong view from some in employment support sector that personal budgets should not be used for employment support. Our research evidence does not support that view. The reasons why personal budgets were not being used were primarily a function of attitudes to work and the overall personal budget system, rather than employment services and support being intrinsically inappropriate for the personal budget system. Where local people had decided to try and make it work, people using personal budgets were overwhelmingly positive about it. To exclude employment support from the process that is being used to fund housing, leisure, community relationships and personal care, would seem extremely strange.
We know that work benefits disabled people, that disabled people working benefits society, and that it is cost-effective to services for people to be in work. If personal budgets are to be the future, then local authorities need to look long and hard about why people are not using them to gain and retain work at the moment.
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