Change that leads to better lives

Statement on diversity and inclusion

We share the following statement in relation to the recent atrocities across the UK.

For over 30 years NDTi has worked in collaboration with community members and groups, local, national and international agencies, and a range of partners.

At the heart of everything we have learnt is that:

  • Diversity and inclusion develop the emotional intelligence of all children in schools, brings skills, creativity and responsiveness to workplaces, and creates communities and services rich in ideas, sharing and - above all - welcome.
  • Exclusion and division create environments where people experience fear and are at risk, feel unwelcome, live shorter less healthy lives, and have fewer opportunities to love and to be loved.

In the last week we have seen how the words and actions of a small minority create fear, whilst those of the majority create hope.

NDTi actively supports BITC’s Race at Work Charter, and we are committed to human rights, diversity, inclusion and welcome being at the heart of who we (as staff, trustees and associates) are as an organisation, and everything we do and will seek to do in the future.

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