Change that leads to better lives

Supporting Abdul

Case Study from n|compass on supporting Abdul to voice his wishes whilst in hospital.

Abduls story

Abdul of Pakistani heritage was an extremely unwell patient on a hospital ward, suffering from paranoia. At times he reverted to his native Punjabi tongue, even though he spoke quite good English.

He did not trust others and was hiding his double-life from ward professionals. He was in an arranged marriage and involved with another woman, who was ringing the ward trying to speak to him. He was extremely fearful this may be spread outside into his community and therefore disengaged with staff.

The ward staff referred Abdul as he needed support expressing his wishes and feelings. We allocated his case to Mahmood, as he was a male of similar age, spoke Punjabi and culturally had a good understanding regarding the combined family, cultural and religious pressures he was experiencing. Mahmood was able to reassure him regarding our confidentiality policy and this led to Abdul opening up about his wishes and feelings.

Abdul wanted to know “what do I need to do, to get off here”, and Mahmood was able to explain how this could be achieved, i.e., participating in therapy groups and taking his medication. He helped Abdul write down his wishes and feelings and empowered him to express these by accompanying him during ward rounds. After a while, he was allowed to leave the ward for an hour at a time to go for a walk and visit the local shop, culminating in him being discharged back home. He expressed his gratitude by stating, “Thank you my brother for all your support.”

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