Jim's Story
n-compass shares a case study about how Article 8 of the Human Rights Act, which protects people's rights to have their private and family life respected, helped a couple live together after being separated.
n-compass shares a case study about how Article 8 of the Human Rights Act, which protects people's rights to have their private and family life respected, helped a couple live together after being separated.
For 29 years, Dorset Advocacy has supported, empowered, and helped give a voice to vulnerable people. As part of Advocacy Awareness Week 2022, Rachael Dewhurst tells us more.
Article 8 of the Human Rights Act protects your right to respect for your private life, your family life, your home and your correspondence. In this short blog post from Advocacy Focus. Tyson shares his story as part of Advocacy Awareness Week.
A blog from V for Life explaining how #SelfAdvocacyWorks for older vegans and vegetarians as part of Advocacy Awareness Week 2022
Paul Marshall, CEO at NDTi, explains the importance of human rights in advocacy as part of Advocacy Awareness Week 2022 #AAW22 and what it means to him.
Advocacy Focus explores #HumanRightsAdvocacy and Right to Liberty by sharing George’s advocacy journey after a hospital admission and subsequent move into a care home where he did not want to stay.
Today's human rights theme is Right to Liberty. The Advocacy People have shared Carol's story, highlighting how advocates work to support people to have a say in how and where they live.
Ruth is a young person with lived experience of using formal and informal advocacy to get through a number of challenging situations in their life.
Toby has been an independent advocate sine 2018 and currently works with Voiceability. Read his story.
Robert, a young person, explained to us why advocacy is important and why other young people should be more aware.
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