George's Story
Advocacy Focus explores #HumanRightsAdvocacy and Right to Liberty by sharing George’s advocacy journey after a hospital admission and subsequent move into a care home where he did not want to stay.
Advocacy Focus explores #HumanRightsAdvocacy and Right to Liberty by sharing George’s advocacy journey after a hospital admission and subsequent move into a care home where he did not want to stay.
Ruth is a young person with lived experience of using formal and informal advocacy to get through a number of challenging situations in their life.
Toby has been an independent advocate sine 2018 and currently works with Voiceability. Read his story.
Robert, a young person, explained to us why advocacy is important and why other young people should be more aware.
In this short film Katrin McEntee, Senior Human Rights Officer at the British Institute of Human Rights and former advocate, tells us how her advocacy work involved the Human Rights Act.
Welcome to Advocacy Awareness Week 2022. This is our 5th year of spending a week celebrating and raising awareness about independent advocacy and this year our focus is on advocacy and human rights.
Advocacy Focus talk about supporting advocates to continue to do amazing work
Thoughts from Cal, an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) from Advocacy Support Cymru
Amanda Nally from the Community Led Support Programme talks about how to hear from people who don’t often have a voice.
Video from n|compass to explain how confidentiality works for #AdvocacyinAction "We will check what we do for you, and ask you what you think"
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