CLS Hero: Vic Cole
Vic was seconded to lead the 'end to end' system review with the aim of delivering whole system change and the adoption of the CLS principles and practice.
Vic was seconded to lead the 'end to end' system review with the aim of delivering whole system change and the adoption of the CLS principles and practice.
These teams working in partnership have provided excellent support for many people and one example, where they acted as ‘a team around’ the person, is used to demonstrate this.
Andrew Dunston Brady has embraced strength based practice throughout his work and always strives to promote independence, control and self esteem with those he works with.
Cheshire West & Chester are the most recent area to join the network and are still in the very early stages of getting going. He is a reluctant but highly deserving Hero demonstrating the preparation that is possible, behind the scenes and on top of an already highly busy and pressured ‘day job’.
Hazel and Alica have been nominated for their amazing work with the Denbighshire Community Support Services Volunteers Project. It was set up at pace at the height of Covid 19. They have recruited and supported over 50 volunteers and careful matching with citizens has led to some fantastic outcomes for all. This award is for them and all the amazing Volunteers involved.
Thoughts from Cal, an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) from Advocacy Support Cymru
Advocacy Focus talk about supporting advocates to continue to do amazing work
Video from n|compass to explain how confidentiality works for #AdvocacyinAction "We will check what we do for you, and ask you what you think"
Amanda Nally from the Community Led Support Programme talks about how to hear from people who don’t often have a voice.
Case Study from n|compass on supporting Abdul to voice his wishes whilst in hospital.
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