Upholding Rights & Safety in Life Changing Decisions
Thoughts from Cal, an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) from Advocacy Support Cymru
Thoughts from Cal, an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) from Advocacy Support Cymru
Amanda Nally from the Community Led Support Programme talks about how to hear from people who don’t often have a voice.
Video from n|compass to explain how confidentiality works for #AdvocacyinAction "We will check what we do for you, and ask you what you think"
Case Study from n|compass on supporting Abdul to voice his wishes whilst in hospital.
Video from Assist on Advocacy, Accessibility, Equity & Diversity
When the Covid 19 pandemic hit, Your Voice Counts, like many other organisations, went from providing a service where face to face meetings with clients was the norm, to working remotely almost overnight.
Bill is Deaf and communicates with British Sign language. His wife is also deaf and partially blind. They live independently in their own home with some support from the Deaf Link Worker.
In this special episode for advocacy awareness week, Gail Petty is in conversation with Jacqui Jobson on Equity and Diversity within the advocacy community.
As a person-led organisation, VITAL has been supporting communities in Bradford for over 30 years. These are their thoughts on why being Person-Led is so important in Advocacy:
Lindsay from People First Independent Advocacy - which celebrates its 30th birthday this year - talks about their Health and Social Care Advocacy project.
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