Video Case Study
N|Compass give a simple example case study showing how #AdvocacyinAction supported a lady with her Care Act Assessment
N|Compass give a simple example case study showing how #AdvocacyinAction supported a lady with her Care Act Assessment
Fantastic creative video on conversations, language and the power and challenges of communication from Aims Creative at Aims Advocacy
Video from Advocacy Focus talking about "What advocacy is and how it works to empower your voice".
Kate Mercer from Blackbelt Advocacy talks about independence and guarding against isomorphism in advocacy in this fascinating short video.
Brilliant stop motion video from Aims Advocacy that explains the principles independent advocacy in Scotland
A short video from N|Compass to explain a bit about what an Advocate is and what they do.
Staff from Advocacy Focus talk about how they initiated a Section 21a challenge to help Cliff into a new home that he was happier with.
Chris Lerwell from Advocacy Support Cymru talks about how his brother inspired his route to becoming an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate
#AAW21 - Join the conversation. This week is the 4th annual Advocacy Awareness Week.
In this short episode, we talk with Karen, a foster carer whose young person is taking part in our Time to Talk Next Steps programme.
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