Change that leads to better lives

Ageing and Autism Conversation Starters Explained

About our Conversation Starters 01

We have asked a few of our autistic associates and contacts to write ‘conversation starters’ explaining what matters to them and the issues that need to be addressed to help older autistic people live happier lives. In some cases, they offer possible solutions.

What are Conversation Starters?

These are short personal, powerful, and provocative pieces of writing.

They cover many aspects of autistic people’s lives, including;

  • worries about where to live and what types of home or community might work well for autistic people
  • work and ‘fitting in’
  • preparing autistic offspring to live their best lives as their autistic parents age
  • the use of technology
  • the need to reframe the narrative around autistic people to one that is not based on ‘burden’ and ‘deficit’ but is one of positivity and contribution to society
  • the challenges of late diagnoses and poor post diagnostic support
  • the very real, but difficult, truth that autistic people may never get to age in the same way as neurotypical peers faced with massive health inequalities, high suicide rates and diminished income throughout their working lives

The conversation starters also highlight that the issues facing older autistic people are international.

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