Change that leads to better lives

Learning Together: Inclusive Research & Evaluation Training

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NDTi have a long history of co-producing and co-delivering research and evaluation work with autistic people, people with a learning disability, young people, older people, and those with mental health conditions. NDTi also have vast experience of evaluating training delivered by statutory bodies and community organisations.

These experiences have led us to realise that often people with ‘lived experience’ (those with a learning disability, autistic people, young people, older people, and those with mental health conditions) might need some extra training and support with project-specific skills outside of their lived experience.

We want to ensure that people with ‘lived experience’ who are asked to develop and deliver research and/or evaluation work have the chance to develop their own skills and understanding. We want this for the projects we design and deliver within our Research and Evaluation, by colleagues across NDTi and further afield.

To help us achieve this, we have developed training packages for both research and evaluation designed to offer those with lived experience a solid foundation in research and evaluation skills.

This training has already been used in a number of projects, including the evaluation of Time to Talk Next Steps, Bristol City Council’s People’s Voice research and the IncludeAge research project run by the University of Dundee.

Please follow the links below to find out more about each of the training packages:

Inclusive Research Training
Inclusive Evaluation Training

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Dr Victoria Mason-Angelow

Lauren Blood

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