This five-phase evaluation focuses on the question of “what works” in independent support, for whom, in which circumstances, how and why, investigating:
- how different models of independent support are implemented locally.
- if and how different groups of children, young people and families benefit (including whether the programme is successful in engaging hard to reach families and vulnerable children).
- the roles that partnership working and other delivery arrangements play in achieving outcomes for children and families.
- the immediate and longer term impacts of the programme for service provision and local authorities.
- the cost and value implications of these factors for different stakeholders, including local and central government.
- emerging examples of good practice, highlighting how these have achieved outcomes and the transferable lessons that can be adopted for children, young people and families in very different circumstances and localities.
The evaluation programme runs from July 2014 until March 2016, and works at three main levels:
- working with DfE, CDC and other strategic partners to draw together outcomes and address the evaluation questions set at a national, Programme level.
- working with local Delivery Partners to establish a breadth as well as depth of understanding of the full range of approaches taken to delivering IS.
- individual/family perspectives, experiences and outcomes through a further sample of 6 authorities/partnerships to track the journeys, experiences and outcomes of children, young.
- people and families with SEN/disabilities to better understand and capture what works and doesn’t work for them in relation to Independent Support.
Throughout the evaluation we will share regular briefings with everyone involved in the Independent Support Programme and beyond to encourage ongoing learning and sharing of what works in Independent Support.
Further details about the evaluation are available on the right hand side of this page.