Change that leads to better lives

See the person

A new workshop and programme for people who work directly with those needing support.

Every day we see a growing need to revisit the values we all bring to our work. See the person will challenge you to reflect on your own life experiences, biases and values. The programme will help you understand how these might impact on your ability to offer genuine person-centred support.

By the end of the two day workshop and follow-on support you will be able to make a huge difference to those you support and your own working day.

Whether you work in supported living, day services or other settings, we aim to break down the labels, history and paperwork that stop you seeing the real person.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe “The way you see people is the way you treat them, and the way you treat them is what they become.”

See the person is built on a foundation of:

  • Human rights
  • Social model and medical model of disability
  • Values
  • Self-reflection: Meeting the person in their world, unconscious bias, social graces and your own foundation

We aim to make sure you:

  • Are informed about the power of working in this way and can use these techniques in all you do.
  • Understand what you can bring to each person and how to work without bias or prejudice.
  • Learn about human rights and how they apply to everyone. Human rights cover the foundations upon which truly respectful and values based working relationships can be built.
  • Learn about simple conversations and person-centred planning techniques ensuring the person is seen and heard.

  • What will it mean for the people you work alongside?

  • How will the course be delivered?

  • Why NDTi?

  • Find out more

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