Change that leads to better lives

SI Grant & Programme: Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQs page is for Local Authorities in receipt of a Section 14 Grant to support the development of a SEND employment forum as part of the Internships Work programme.

SI Grant FA Qs

Below are responses to some FAQs about the grant and the programme. If your question is not answered here, please email or post your question in the comments at the bottom of this page.

Grant Offer Letter & Eligibility

  • Who was the Grant Offer Letter sent to?

  • Who can sign the Grant Offer Letter?

  • What information do I need to send back to NDTi and by when?

  • We want young people & families to know about SIs and the Local Offer, does this count as marketing?

  • Can grant funds be used to purchase training or membership from BASE?

  • Can we use the grant to pay for attendance at the BASE or DFN Project SEARCH conferences?

  • Would it be ok to include work around travel training in the grant claim form?

  • Can we use consultants?

About the Programme

  • How can I find out more about the programme?

  • Who is our Local Authority’s NDTi Lead for Internships Work?

  • Who is receiving information about the programme in my LA?

  • What training can BASE offer to job coaches?

  • Can DFN Project SEARCH support the development of our employer engagement strategy? If so, is there a cost?

Grant Requirements

  • How do I know what the grant requirements and reports are, and when they are due?

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