The NDTi were commissioned by the Winterbourne View Joint Improvement Programme (WVJIP) to run a series of workshops across the country to support local areas to reduce the number of people in in-patient units, and develop robust alternatives in the community.
The first series of workshops were for NHS England specialised commissioners, Clinical Commissioning Group and Local Authority commissioners, and followed two national workshops for commissioners across the NHS and LA at the beginning of February 2014. Feedback from these workshops indicated that one of the problems local areas faced was lack of clarity regarding the respective roles of specialised and local commissioners.
The workshops aimed to:
For further information including a report on these workshops see
The second series of workshops built on the first, with a focus on prevention, co-production, what works across the partnerships and solutions to any barriers specifically in relation to:
Commissioners were asked to come prepared to report on progress following the first workshop, and a wider range of stakeholders were invited, including people with learning disabilities, family carers and providers.
The third series of workshops focuses on early intervention for children, young people and their families, and a life course approach to support for children and young people who challenge services, and their families. The workshops aim to bring key stakeholders from child and adult services together across regions to:
A report from these workshops will be available on the above website.
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