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A Long way from home report

This report is a summary of what the research and evidence tell us about why young people with learning disabilities and/or autistic young people are in residential placements and what can be done to address this.

A Long Way from home v4 01

The Winterbourne View scandal that came to light in 2011 highlighted the negative consequences that can arise from autistic people and/or people with learning disabilities living a long way from their families and communities in residential placements.

The harmful impact on individuals and their families, as well as the high cost of such placements, has strengthened the commitment within UK policy that people with complex needs and/or behaviour that challenges services should live, be educated and be supported in their own communities.

It is clear that, despite the renewed policy intentions following Winterbourne View, young people continue to enter residential placements away from their families and communities, often in an unplanned way, at a time of crisis and service breakdown, or as they transition from children’s services to adult services.

The aim of ‘A long way from home’ report is to support greater understanding of this problem by looking at what the evidence tells us about why it persists and what can be done about it.

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