Change that leads to better lives

Building the Right Support for Children

Learning lessons from the field work with parents, children and young people, commissioners and providers.

In 2016, NHS England asked NDTi and the Challenging Behaviour Foundation to develop a pathway for children and young people with special educational needs/learning disabilities whose behaviours challenge. The pathway was designed to support Building the Right Support, the national plan promoting the development of community services and the closure of inpatient facilities for people with learning disabilities and /or autistic people.

As part of this work we visited four areas across England to meet with commissioners, families, young people and providers. This document highlights what worked well when engaging with the different groups of stakeholders and brings together the key themes emerging across the four areas involved. It provides some ‘tips and wrinkles’ around engagement that are likely to be helpful to Transforming Care Partnerships developing work with children and young people whose behaviours challenge and their families.

You can download this report here.

We are very grateful to the four local authority areas who agreed to be participate in this work and for all the arrangements that they made on our behalf. We are indebted to the parent carers and young people we met who gave up their time and shared their experiences so willingly.

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