Change that leads to better lives

About Our Community of Practice

This Community of Practice (CoP) is made up group of people who share a concern or a passion for improving the lives of people through the CETR programme, and who are keen to learn how to make this process the best it can be through regular community meetings. We ask what is working well, what needs addressing. We seek to find solutions and take action as a community - be it getting more information or trying out new or different ways of working.

Community of practice 01

Why have we set this Community of Practice up?

NHSE, following requests to meet the needs of the reviewers, are supporting people to develop and be part of this CoP as a way to improve the CETR process for all involved.

Specifically, this community of Practice has been established

  • To provide a space for people to meet and connect with other people
  • To create a space where best practice and challenges can be shared and learned from
  • To share key findings to improve the CETR process as a whole.
  • To create a space through which people delivering reviews can communicate more directly with the national teams and access information more readily.

Contact Details

CTR inbox

Alex Brooks

Contact Office

Bath (Registered Office)

National Development Team for Inclusion
4 Queen Street

Full Details

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