Change that leads to better lives

Guide for commissioners of services for children and young people who challenge services

This guidance has been written following a project to develop a review of the commissioning arrangements for children and young people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people whose behaviours challenge funded by NHSE.

Download the Commissioning Guide Here

The review was developed to support the implementation of the service model in children and young people’s services. NDTi already has an evidence based review tool for adult services for people who challenge, developed from the commissioning guide written by NDTi for the Department of Health to support implementation of the Mansell report. For further information follow this link. The review uses the seven broad areas of commissioning consideration set out in the guidance as although the detail of commissioning children and young people’s services is different, the culture in which successful commissioning takes place is similar.

Following consultation with young people, families and commissioners we adapted the review for children and young people’s services and piloted it in five local areas. A report setting out the learning from the pilot can be found here

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