Still Recruiting for Business, Part 2
The PfA team delivered an online conference about employment opportunities for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) on 14 January 2021.
The PfA team delivered an online conference about employment opportunities for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) on 14 January 2021.
The PfA team delivered an online conference about employment opportunities for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) on 03 December 2020.
Improved wellbeing, reduced social isolation, a better place to grow older and reduced costs to health and social care.
This short report shares the experiences and reflections of the Volunteering Matters Cymru team leading the Rural Wisdom project in Wales on the impact the COVID-19 Pandemic has had upon their work.
Experiences of family carers who support someone with learning disabilities
Measuring and monitoring the quality of housing services for and with people with learning disabilities - Key findings from commissioner and service provider surveys
Commissioned by the Education & Training Foundation, NDTi has produced two case study videos showcasing how local authorities and further education providers work together to support learners with SEND
The report is the result of a survey of nearly 450 advocates. Advocacy organisations across the UK, including NDTi, worked in partnership to run the survey and launch the report.
This case study explores how Nathan secured a job and his return to work following COVID-19 restrictions.
In this Paper, we focus on Scottish Borders - an established CLS site with good data literacy and a realistic approach to collecting and using different sources of evidence - to look at what we know is changing as a result of their local approach and what can be learnt from this.
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