Lift Sharing - questions to ask the driver and passenger
These questions are intended to gauge whether a lift sharing arrangement is working well. They are for use if the person has capacity and to respond.
These questions are intended to gauge whether a lift sharing arrangement is working well. They are for use if the person has capacity and to respond.
Three case studies illustrating work from the Time to Connect Project
A guide for eating together in residential settings
There are particular times in life where people are at risk of losing their friends and their position in the community. Leaving school, moving house, losing your partner or your job, or entering hospital or residential care can all heighten the risk of exclusion. The Inclusion Web can help you hold on to what matters in these challenging stages in life.
The NDTi has written best practice guides for commissioners and providers of services on the implications of the information gathered by Public Health England and the Centre for Disability Research. We have written a series...
This is a guide for carers over 18 on how to get the information, advice and support you need.
This learning will be of interest to everybody involved with local Carers’ Partnerships at a strategic level, including carers themselves.
This useful, practical checklist provides top tips to help in preparing for annual reviews.
A good supported employment agency is there to help employers navigate the process, providing support and practical guidance along the way.
A great example from Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities on employing people with a learning disability.
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