Support for Job Coaches by Internships Work
Job Coaches support guide in Internships Work.
Job Coaches support guide in Internships Work.
A comprehensive understanding of supported internships and your role as a job coach.
Guidance and templates to help you get involved in the National Supported Internship Day Campaign #NSID24 ...
Specifics about the Supported Internship Quality Assurance Framework (SIQAF) for Local Authorities.
Guidelines, guidance, tools, ideas and support for LAs communication activities promoting supported internships.
LA support guide in Internships Work
Interns, Job Coaches, Employers, LA Commissioners, support your peers by sharing your supported internship journey with us.
Learn more & sign up to this DFN Project SEARCH-led free training supporting employers in getting started with supported internships.
Step-by-step guide for young people and families to apply for a supported internship.
Unlock the potential of supported internships! Diversify your workforce while supporting young people with SEND to thrive in the workplace.
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