Working environments & the Autism “Epidemic”
I was diagnosed as autistic (Asperger’s Syndrome) in October 2015, shortly before my 51st birthday. Up until this point I had absolutely no idea that I was autistic.
I was diagnosed as autistic (Asperger’s Syndrome) in October 2015, shortly before my 51st birthday. Up until this point I had absolutely no idea that I was autistic.
On 11 March 2022, the PfA team delivered an online event to showcase not only what the PfA team has achieved, but also to celebrate some of the fantastic things that are going on around the country to support young people with additional needs to have a good life.
On 09 March 2022, the PfA team delivered an online employment conference.
Hospital Staff and Learning Disability Awareness Training - findings from hospital interviews
Hospital Staff and Learning Disability Awareness Training - findings from two surveys
This is a summary of a modified International Delphi survey which was undertaken to identify, and reach consensus on: the aims, design and content, and ways to maximise the impact, of learning disability training programmes for NHS Trust staff in England.
Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities in England - Policy Brief
On 11 February 2022, the PfA team delivered an online employment conference for the North East, North West and Yorkshire & Humberside regions which explored about collaboration, partnership and evidence of what works.
On 10 February 2022, the PfA West Midlands Network met for a session on Achieving An Ordinary Life: Supporting Great Lives Post 16.
Recording and resources from the Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) webinar held on 21 January 2022.
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