A Long way from home report
This report is a summary of what the research and evidence tell us about why young people with learning disabilities and/or autistic young people are in residential placements and what can be done to address this.
This report is a summary of what the research and evidence tell us about why young people with learning disabilities and/or autistic young people are in residential placements and what can be done to address this.
Associate, Jon Ralphs talks about coproduction with young people and how the Training Squad was developed, an exciting new project to deliver free training from young people for practitioners.
Young people from Time to Talk Next Steps advised the DfE and CQC on survey writing to help inform SEND inspections.
Time to Talk Next Steps one year on. The celebration event brought together young people, parents, carers and staff to coproduce the next year of the project.
In 2016, NHS England asked NDTi and the Challenging Behaviour Foundation to develop a pathway for children and young people with special educational needs/learning disabilities whose behaviours challenge.
This guidance has been written following a project to develop a review of the commissioning arrangements for children and young people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people whose behaviours challenge funded by NHSE. ...
A guest blog from family carer Jackie Martel who talks about why a new Children's Pathway is needed and how a set of three new resources will help Transforming Care partnerships, local authorities and CCGs to work together with local families to develop a new approach.
We're a group of young people who have things to say to practitioners who work with young people. We can tailor training to your needs.
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