Emma’s Views on Preparing for Adulthood
Emma share's views on preparing for adulthood including experiences with schools, college, and the council.
Emma share's views on preparing for adulthood including experiences with schools, college, and the council.
Are you a community organisation that supports people and communities facing disadvantage? We’d love to hear about your work.
Our annual two day festival returns for another year on 16 and 17 May. The festival is hosted by NDTi's Community Led Support network and brings together an exciting range of free, short online opportunities to hear about strengths-based care and support.
Mike Richardson, Community Led Support Site lead and data specialist, writes about some of the thinking behind our new Valuing Community Led Support report.
On 11 March 2022, the PfA team delivered an online event to showcase not only what the PfA team has achieved, but also to celebrate some of the fantastic things that are going on around the country to support young people with additional needs to have a good life.
One of the four Preparing for Adulthood pathways focusses on Relationships - this includes family, friends and community, as well as sexual relationships. On this page we have provided a number of useful links to support young adults who are thinking about their sexuality, sexual identity, relationships and rights.
Peter talks about his aspirations and ideas for the future. This video provides inspiration when thinking about sessions on outcomes and preparing for annual reviews.
Kay shares her family’s experience of their Preparing for Adulthood journey, and how they have high aspirations for the future.
Insights from Ellen who is 35 and works as an actor, an admin assistant and also shares her experiences of inclusion as a freelance trainer.
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