Change that leads to better lives

Employment Webinar

A PfA employment-focused event which took place on 22 June 2021 to explore how to support young people with additional needs into employment.

Employment webinar

The event was aimed at all partners working across education, health and social care from the East and West Midlands and Yorkshire & Humberside, particularly those involved in working with children and young people with additional needs and supporting them into employment. The agenda covered:

  • Relevant national policy and initiatives
  • The importance of planning for employment from much earlier and development of pathways into employment
  • The role of the job coach
  • The best approaches to support individuals into employment
  • The importance of developing relationships with a range of employers to support work experience, internships, apprenticeships and paid work
  • Using vocational profiles

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Useful Info

This event was delivered by the National Development Team for Inclusion as part of our delivery of the Preparing for Adulthood programme, which was funded by the Department of Education to support for the SEND reforms.

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