Change that leads to better lives

Inclusion Web

The Inclusion Web builds on the Relationship Map tool.

Inclusion web

The Inclusion Web can be used to: ​

  • help you to get to know another person better (or yourself), by asking good questions and recording what you learn on a chart;
  • help you to plan and build an included life full of positive roles and relationships in the wider community beyond the health and social care system;
  • see at a glance how things have changed over time, by repeating the exercise and comparing the charts;
  • generate numbers and apply statistics to find out if your efforts have been effective.

NDTi has more resources and information about how to use this tool and why inclusion matters here.

Related Projects

Useful Info

This resource was created by the National Development Team for Inclusion as part of our delivery of the Preparing for Adulthood programme, which is funded by the Department of Education to support the SEND reforms.

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