Change that leads to better lives

Kieran Jones' Story

My journey and where I am now

Kieran Jones' Story
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Kieran Jones – Project Support Officer, Programme Management Office of Chief Executive Shropshire Council

Expert by Experience – SEND Employment Forum & Young Person’s Strategic Group Lead

Full Time Paid Employment

Following my supported Internship and Level 3 Apprenticeship I was successful in being offered employment with Shropshire Council as a Project Support Officer.

Kieran at SI event chatting
Alt-text: Kieran at a supported internships event chatting

Expert by Experience and Young Person’s Strategic Group Lead – Employment Grant project

“The thing that motivates me with the SI Grant Project and I enjoy the most, is that I know that this project will help people like me as I came to Shropshire Council as an SI.

"The thing that I feel happiest about is giving something back to the Council but most of all is helping and changing someone’s life who is in the same position as I was a few years ago. If I could change 1 person in Shropshire’s life that would make me very happy.

"I also enjoy working with the people that I get to work with and feel supported and valued in the team but also feel that my ideas are taken on board and implemented which also makes me feel happy as it makes me feel I have contributed and helped to move the project forward.”

"I look forward to seeing what the rest of the project has in store for me.”

My Journey

  • I received a Autism Diagnosis and had an Education, Health and Care plan during my school and college years
  • I had Low attendance at school
  • I struggled with Academic pressure, got anxiety and depression, and had a diagnosis
  • I struggled with English
  • I attended North Shropshire college and passed my Business Studies Level 2
  • I went to night school to gain my GCSE English where I achieved a grade 5
  • I struggled with anxiety around Knowing my next steps from college
  • I took a year out of college due to anxiety
  • I was advised by Early Help to explore a supported internship after getting a place in County Training.

Supported Internship at Shropshire Council

  • March – July 2021 – Business Administrator – Affordable Housing and Planning Policy Supported by Enable’s Job coach
  • This was my first real work experience to see if what I was doing was part of what I wanted to do in the future.
  • After a month of working at Shropshire Council I knew that what I was doing now in an office doing Business Administration was what I wanted to pursue a career in.
  • I worked so hard and tried my best in every task that I did, and I still do as I knew that I wanted to make an impression and leave a mark on my time at Shropshire Council.

Apprenticeship – Shropshire Council

  • February 2022 successful candidate and started work working in the Planning Policy and Affordable Housing Department
  • In December 2023 I passed my apprenticeship with a triple distinction which is the highest grade that you can get this was the proudest achievement of my life so far.

My Words of Wisdom to Other Young People

  • Supported Internships are definitely worthwhile, that is what got me where I am today, and I would highly recommend them
  • Never give up whenever life feels bad, keep trying and keep persevering with Education and Work, as it will reward you with something you really want to do
  • There is nothing to be ashamed of in needing a break
  • Finally, a wise man once said to me, work hard and you will get what you want in life. This is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life
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