Change that leads to better lives

Nine ways to connect your care home with the community

Care home residents benefit from getting out, building relationships with other citizens beyond the care system and contributing to wider community life and this is the focus of the Time to Connect project. For some, this begins when care homes invite members of the community in, but the initiative is only complete when the relationship becomes reciprocal and people go out too.

TTC briefings

You might like to:

  • Print this document and highlight the items that residents you know engage in.
  • Write down a brief summary of any activities that you offer but we have missed. Send it to, so we can update the online version of this document.
  • Check your activities programme to see if you have at least one activity under each of the headings.
  • Check whether your focus is entirely on inhouse activities or whether you provide real opportunities for residents to build relationships with citizens beyond the care system and to make a contribution to the wider community rather than just receiving help from others.
  • If you want to start a new activity, you might try contacting a care home that has already given it a go to see what you can learn .

Download the document here

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