Change that leads to better lives

Pathway in to Paid Work Graphic

Resource information for the Pathway in to Paid Work Graphic.

Pathway in to Paid Work Graphic
Alt-text: Pathway in to Paid Work Graphic which is broken up into 7 sections. Below is a transcript.

Pathway into Paid Work Transcript

1. First Section

Nursery Onwards

(Graphic with words “EHC Plan”)

(Graphic with words “Person Centered”)

Text Reads:

  • Person centered planning to ensure plan is based on what matters to me
  • Aspirations for now and in the future.

(Graphic of a person in a headscarf with a speech bubble that asks “what do you want to do when you grow up?”)

2. Second Section

Year 9

(Graphic with words “EHC Plan”).

(Graphic with an arrow and the words “Annual Review of the Plan”).

Text Reads:

  • Begin to plan vocational profiling (Year 10) and work experience (year 11).
  • Information about employment pathways.

(Graphic showing a large grey arrow with smaller arrows inside pointing right with the letters “PFA”)

(Graphic with the words “Advocacy”).

3. Third Section

Year 10

(Graphic with words “EHC Plan”).

(Graphic with an arrow and the words “Annual Review of the Plan”).

Text Reads:

  • Complete vocational profile and plan work experience.
  • Great Careers education, information, advice, and guidance.

(Graphic of a woman with brown hair and glasses)

4. Fourth Section

Year 11

(Graphic with words “EHC Plan”).

(Graphic with an arrow and the words “Annual Review of the Plan”).

(graphic of a person with brown hair and hand on their chin).

Text Reads:

  • Work experience based on Vocational Profile
  • Plan post 16 pathway and which provider can deliver this
  • Amend plan to include employment pathway and support

5. Fifth Section

Post 16

(Graphic with words “EHC Plan”).

(Graphic with an arrow and the words “Annual Review of the Plan”).

Text Reads:

  • Study programme leading to…

(Graphic of a book with a question mark and the text, “Decide on your future”. The book has three arrows pointing to the right. Each arrow points to a word graphic in the 6th Section. First arrow points to “Supported Internship”, second arrow points to “apprenticeship”, third arrow points to “Supported Employment”).

(Square graphic split into 4 pictures. The top left corner is a drawing of a person in a chef’s hat in a kitchen. Top right corner shows a person in a green top working at a till point. Bottom left is a drawing of scissors and various bits of makeup. Bottom right corner is a drawing of a person in a green top in front of a screen with the “YouTube” logo.

6. Sixth Section

Post 19

Text reads:

  • Access to work for job coach support.

(Graphic of a person in a blue top with a speech bubble that reads “job coach”.)

(Graphic from previous section of a book with a question mark and the text, “Decide on your future”. The book has three arrows pointing to the right. Each arrow points to a word graphic in the 6th Section. First arrow points to “Supported Internship”, second arrow points to “apprenticeship”, third arrow points to “Supported Employment”).

(Graphic of a drawing with the text “where? General FE college, Special college, training provider)

(Graphic of a drawing of buildings that look like a college).

7. Bottom Section

(Graphic of a box containing a hammer, saw and spanner with the words “toolkit” written across the bottom of the box).

Text reads:

  • Person centered planning
  • Careers education information and guidance
  • Partnerships
  • High quality curriculum
  • Employer engagement
  • Communication and information
  • Training and support for all
  • Personal budgets for job coaching
  • Have social care and health staff an awareness about the importance of raising aspirations and support this through their work?
  • Read/ accessible information in the local offer about support for employment?
  • Supported employment agencies or local supported internships attending annual reviews.

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Image alt-text: Back to Job Coaches' Resources Main Menu (Click here) - this alt-text also redirect to menu mentioned.

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Image alt-text: Back to Local Authorities' Resources Main Menu (Click here) - this alt-text also redirect to menu mentioned.

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Image alt-text: Back to Providers & Colleges' Resources Main Menu (Click here) - this alt-text also redirect to menu mentioned.

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Image alt-text: Back to Young People & Families' Resources Main Menu (Click here) - this alt-text also redirect to menu mentioned.

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