Change that leads to better lives

Supported Internships Questionnaire

Following a Supported Internships survey we heard from 72 regional organisations.

Supported Internships Questionnaire
Findings from the Supported Internships Questionnaire


Following a Supported Internships survey we heard from 72 regional organisations leading to the following key findings:

  • 82% of respondents offer supported internships (SI) with the majority being offered through FE Colleges in the 19-25 age range
  • the number of organisations offering SI has increased year on year since 2014 (28% started in the last academic year)
  • 75% of organisations have job coaches, the lowest percentage being through Local Authorities
  • FE Colleges and Educational establishments have a high proportion of job coaches that are TSI trained and/or have a Certificate in Supported Employment.
  • Most job coaches support 5-10 young people
  • Over 1000 people have benefited from Supported Internships and almost 50% have progressed onto some form of paid employment. There are currently between 570 and 770 young people on a SI with the majority through FE College or Local Authority


  • A total of 97 people responded during the 3 months between 5.10.18 and 2.1.19 of which 72 gave sufficient data for analysis.
  • The other respondents were discounted because they didn’t provide any quantitative data, were parents or their organisation had already responded.

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Useful Info

This survey was conducted by the National Development Team for Inclusion as part of our delivery of the Preparing for Adulthood programme, which was funded by the Department of Education to support the SEND reforms.

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