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Why you should book a SIQAF review

Find out why you should get involved in a Peer Review for the SIQAF.

Why you should book a SIQAF review
Text reading "Why you should book a SIQAF review" with a white arrow to the left of the text and an Internships Work Logo in the arrow.

This video is for any Supported Internship Provider to find out why they should get involved in a Peer Review for the Supported Internship Quality Assurance Framework (SIQAF). You will hear from other providers who have been through this fully funded experience. This funded opportunity is only available until March 2025.

A transcript of the video can be found here.

The SIQAF and Peer Reviewing

Organisations who undertake the SIQAF can as part of the Internships Work programme, sign up for a peer review to validate their SIQAF self-assessment

This free service, involves two trained peer reviewers (one lead reviewer and another peer reviewer) who will visit your Supported Internship programme and review your self-assessment score as well as support your continuous improvement efforts with recommended actions and good practice examples.

This process takes one and a half days and if you're interested in booking a peer review please contact, for more information.

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