Change that leads to better lives

A Pathway for Children - TCP Resources

These materials are designed to help Transforming Care Partnerships to support children and young people whose behaviours challenge.

They are complementary to Building the Right Support (NHS England et al., 2015), which sets out a national plan to develop community services and close inpatient facilities for people with a learning disability and/or autistic people who display behaviour that challenges. The plan covers children and young people as well as adults and includes a new service model of local support arrangements to prevent admission.

This set of resources was commissioned and funded by the NHS England Transforming Care Programme and have been developed by Jacqui Shurlock (The Challenging Behaviour Foundation) and Carol Robinson (National Development Team for Inclusion). They draw on previous research, guidance and best practice and were informed by the experiences of young people, parent-carers and professionals during visits to four local areas in England.

There are three sets of resources:

Finally, to remind readers about the kinds of difficulties faced by families who have a child or young person whose behaviours challenge, we have included a blog by Jackie Martel.

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