Change that leads to better lives

Small Supports Webinars

These Lunchtime Sessions from the Small Supports Programme are bite-sized sessions exploring some of the different aspects of Small Supports organisations, including sharing new research and thinking.

Growing Small Supports Organisations, 29 June 2023
Hosted by Dave Barras, Chief Executive of Positive Support for You, and Nic Crosby Delivery Lead of the Small Supports Programme at NDTi discussing developing new small support organisations. This workshop both introduces the programme of work, and gives you a chance to hear from Dave Barras, who has many years of experience of supporting people in Middlesbrough.

“Never giving up on anyone!” finding & keeping great people working for small supports organisations, 21 September 2023
This session shares the themes and messages from a review of the “small supports workforce” looking at what national and organisational data reveals alongside conversations with staff working for three established small supports organisations. The aim of this work is to highlight important factors for finding and keeping staff delivering fantastic support that enables people to have a good life.

“A Hole in My Bucket?” – how spending decisions impact wealth and wellbeing of our communities, 19 October 2023
Mike Richardson, NDTi, shared learning from work to investigate the local economic impact of commissioners investing in small bespoke support organisations in their locale.

The power of storytelling - Small Supports, 23 November 2023
“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.” (Robert McKee) Sam Smith, CEO, C-Change (Small Supports partner), shares experiences, stories and testimony from people now being supported by Small Supports organisations.

Why Small, Bespoke, Person-centred and Local? 15 February 2024
With Bill Love, NDTi and Doreen Kelly, Beyond Limits, talking about 'What is a Small Support Organisation?'

Lessons learnt and outcomes shared, 14 March 2024
With Steve Bardsley, from Leeds City Council, Dave Barras, CEO of Positive Support for You and NDTi Associate, interviewed by Fiona Ritchie, NDTi Associate. In this online session, we talked with those who have led work in their area and heard about the work and effort it has taken to get to the point of having new support organisations - and what it means for people.

What does good look like? 25 April 2024
Helen Toker-Lester, NDTi Small Supports team member, talked about the report ‘What does good look like?’ This coproduced report was commissioned from the Building the Right Support (BTRS) Advisory Group, as part of the wider action plan developed by the Building the Right Support Delivery Board.

Small Supports Living Library, 4 July 2024
In November 2023, Sam Smith, CEO of C-Change, shared stories on the impact of small supports. This webinar presents the outcome of the first instalment of a living library. Hear firsthand how person-centred support transforms lives.

Diving deep into the Ocean City Story, 17 October 2024
Learning from long-term Small Supports activity in Plymouth: case studies, stories and wider impact on cross-city collaboration with Nic Crosby and Mike Richardson. This report is authored by Mike Richardson and Dr Victoria Mason-Angelow *Please note this report features real-life stories detailing instances of substance abuse, sexual abuse and mental health, which some people may find upsetting.

Building a Bridge - Small Supports, 21 November 2024
Small Supports that cross boundaries and services, following young people as they become independent adults. With Nic Crosby, and Hayley Care, an organisation supporting young people through positive choices, helping them transition to adulthood.

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